Before any thing could be, there was a emptiness
perfect, immaculate, free of emptiness and non-emptiness, it was not empty and not non-empty for there were not nothing but also anything, Primordial Void is its name.
In the great state, before there was any conception there was also The Infinite Potential of Becoming, the potential things that there were yet to be.
From this state, a boundless expanse, never ending to all the ten directions, yet as immense as just the tiniest grain of sand manifested spontaneously, Primordial Space.
Potential and Primordial Space are one and the same, they share the same essence and they manifested at the same time. The Space, pristine and immaculate and perfect, unwavering and all-encompassing, gave rise to Primordial Awareness as it had perfect understanding and knowledge of itself.
Pure Awareness, free any kind of disturbance, as calm and clear as space itself. pristine in its form. And from this emanation, Pure Wisdom of the True Wisdom that was the realization of the true essence of all, Pure Bliss that was the realization of the perfect and immaculate nature of all phenomena and Pure Joy, that derived from the state of perfect realization of the complete and perfect truth. And a timeless era of joy and bliss governed the primordial state of all things.
From Pure Bliss and Joy came the State of Awe, that is the perfect most high contemplation of the nature of phenomena and the State of Peace, that rises with the perception of all things as they really are. As Primordial Awareness became aware of the state of awe and state of peace, from this realization Pure Thought was born.
And Pure Thought was a marvel, As the Primordial Awareness became aware of Pure Thought, Potential and the Wisdoms started the Chain of Emanations. and from the chain of emanations the Primordial Ignorance was born. This Ignorance, is born by the narrowing of perception, becoming a smaller awareness, focused in a smaller portion of the phenomena. And this generated the first self.
The first self was formless, shapeless, spiritless. Its core was the Primordial Ignorance. When the first self manifested self awareness, it could quickly glance separated from the manifestation, but it was able to understand its own essence, and even with the illusion of separation from the source, it manifested something great, the noblest form of salvation: Perfect Compassion was born.
Perfect Compassion was the emanation of all things primordial, the essence of all. and after realizing Perfect Compassion, the first self was healed of the ignorance and dissolved back into the harmony of this primordial sea.
But Ignorance, the root of self, spontaneously manifested another, this time it could not realize its own essence and lost to Primordial Compassion, could not bring itself back to its origins, and in the process this self became aware of all else, and aware of itself, distance was born, and because of distance, it saw itself separated from all, and ignorant to the truth, created a identity, and with it, a name. It named itself: Um. and Um also understood potential.
From Um came Do and Ré, and the three were formless, shapeless and spiritless. Do and Ré were further away from the primordial state of all and could not partake of Pure Bliss and Pure Joy. Only being able to enjoy it through Um, and because of it Impurity was born.